Saturday, December 8, 2012

Want To Enjoy A Great Outdoor Living Space? Learn How To Create Balance According To Feng Shui

Want to learn a little about how to easily create balance in your outdoor space according to basic feng shui principles, to help you start off in the right direction on creating a peaceful and desirable outdoor living space? This article will give you some easy to follow feng shui tips.

When you digest and follow these tips you'll find that almost subconsciously you will start to understand what needs to be done in your specific space to start moulding it into a truly beautiful outside living space, by achieving balance.

Feeling And Creating Balance Balance in the environment and home is central to practising feng shui, regardless of the school of thought. Some people have a natural ability to feel this balance, whereas others through understanding and practising it, can hone this skill over time.

In fact one interesting example of this is estate agents. Many estate agents, the vast majority of whom are not trained Feng Shui practitioners, have developed this natural ability. Think about how often they manage to present average properties in brochures and website photos so well that they seem far more attractive than they are in reality.

Some Important Questions To Ask It is not possible to achieve balance in a cluttered outdoor space, so the very first step is to de-clutter it. Once this is done take a look at it again, asking the following questions:

-Does it feel like there are too many hard surfaces? -Does it seem barren or lack in life? -Is there a heavy silence in the air?

If you can answer yes to any, or all of the above questions currently your outdoor space has an imbalance and has too much yin energy. Yin energy is the nurturing, feminine energy. It is passive, silent, moist, soft and slow. Too much of it can lead to the feeling that energy cannot manifest properly; kind of like a frustrating lack of completion, like a person who interiorises too much and doesn't create in real life according to their potential. A build up of negative yin energy will lead to blockages and obstacles for you and the other residents in your property.

A Simple Solution However the good news is that this imbalance is easy to correct. Once you have de-cluttered, introduce colourful plants which are fresh and flowering. Tend to these over time also, ensuring that they are kept fresh and lively, and this small change will have an immediate positive effect on the outdoor space. A home which has a garden or outside space where the plants and flowers are lovingly tended will reflect a healthy energy. This energy resonates with vibrant, happy and prosperous chi (energy).

Lucky Enough To Have The Wood Element Already? According to Feng Shui principles, there are five elements, very much in the same way as there is in traditional Chinese medicine. These five elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood. These elements can work together productively or destructively. More about that later on in our series of articles.

Wood is unique in so far as it is the only one of the five elements which has a life of its own. This means that the wood element represents growth and happiness. Are you lucky enough to have the wood element in the outdoor space already, could be in the form of a tree or a smaller example would be a bonsai tree?

If you don't, introduce it to bring the energy of happiness and growth. Have fun implementing these tips and enjoy the positive effecs in your outdoor living space. Check out the next article in our series which examines the importance of light and some easy ways to achieve great results.

Lucky Feng Shui Gems, Crystals and Minerals for Snake Year 2013-14   Getting Familiar With Feng Shui and Colored Salt Lamps   The Role of Mirrors In Feng Shui   Feng Shui and Intelligence   How To Tell If A Fountain Is Right For Your Feng Shui   10 Steps to Bring Feng Shui to Your Living Room   

How Much Does Long Term Care Insurance Cost and Why Does It Vary?

The issue about how much does long term care insurance cost and what it can really give to its policy owners have been circulating around the insurance industry for quite some time now. This is one of the usual questions that insurance providers and agents get from new applicants or curious individuals.

The benefits that an LTC insurance policy can give its policy owners have been proven efficient and beneficial for so many years now. As a matter of fact, there are numerous studies and surveys that show how necessary owning an LTC insurance plan is to each and every individual in the United States.

One study confirmed that an average person who is 60 years old and above would require receiving LTC services at least once in their lifetime, and that the average stay in a nursing home facility usually lasts from one and a half to three years. Any confinement longer than three years may mean that the person has more serious or major health concerns that need to be properly addressed and given extensive medical attention and treatment.

LTC insurance plans provide services and facilities that are essential in helping the insured individual to be at ease or even surpass the burdens of some illnesses and diseases brought about by old age.

As for the question how much does long term care insurance cost, the answer depends on some factors that most insurance companies usually consider when obtaining or determining the rates of monthly premiums that would be given to a specific type of LTC insurance policy.

Bear in mind that the costs of LTC policies and services vary but the quality and effectiveness of the benefits it provide are almost the same. The insured person, as well as his family, can be assured that they would only get the best and highest-quality of services and facilities being offered in the country.

One of the major factors that determine the price of a policy is the age of the person when he applied and purchased his policy. Insurance providers prefer those who acquire their plans at a young age and as a move to attract these kinds of people, insurance companies grant lower and cheaper monthly rates for people who are younger, healthier, and have stronger financial resources.

The present health status and medical background of the person also affect the cost of his possible policy. This is important so that the insurance company knows beforehand and can anticipate the diseases that the individual might have in the future and to give policy quotations that are suitable to his LTC needs.

Aside from these, the exact region or area in a state where the person opts to spend his retirement days and receive his policy benefits will also be considered. Some states and regions offer more expensive monthly premiums than some of the other locations in the country so it is important to advise the insurance provider of this pertinent detail when asking for plan quotations.

There are still other factors that insurance companies favor to know how much does long term care insurance cost it will grant an individual. To know more about these, one can directly contact their insurance agent or check out some websites that provide important details and information.

Finding Ways to Lower Long Term Care Premiums   Which LTCI Policy Is Right For You?   Is Long Term Care Insurance Right For You?   Speedy Increase of Kentucky Long Term Care Costs   Are You Planning Your Long Term Care As You Should?   

Is 30 Year Term Life Insurance the Best Protection for Your Family?

You want the best protection for your family. Protection of their financial security so they can continue to pay the mortgage or rent if you die...continue to pay for food and clothing and all the day-to-day necessities...continue to pay credit card bills...continue to contribute to your children's college education fund. A 20 year term life insurance policy or 30 year term policy may offer just the right combination of excellent protection at an excellent price.

You want the best protection for your family. Protection against the high costs of end-of-life medical care that you may require before your death...and that may not be fully covered by health insurance. These costs can easily exceed tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars!

You want the best protection for your family. Protection against the high cost of a funeral and burial or cremation. These costs can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. You don't want that burden to fall upon your family, especially when they are grieving and at their most stressed and vulnerable.

You want the best protection for your family. But you don't want to spend all of your money doing it. The whole idea is to protect your family's financial security. Not spend all your finances looking for protection. The fact is, you may be able to find 20 year term life insurance and 30 year term life options with a benefit worth tens of thousands of dollars but a premium that costs just pennies per day...or a benefit worth hundreds of thousands of dollars but a premium that costs about the price of a cup of coffee per day...or, for a higher premium, a benefit worth millions of dollars! Whatever your budget, you can find an excellent option...if you do a little comparison shopping.

You want the best protection for your family. But you don't want to make the process of finding that protection a time consuming hassle. That's the way it used to be. Shopping for 20 or 30 year term life insurance meant going from one company to the next, filling out one application after another, talking with agent after agent, trying to get as many quotes as possible. But now, things are different. You can get quotes from many different companies, all at one time, all in one place, and all in just seconds. The key is to use a no-cost, no-obligation online quoting service that helps consumers find the right coverage at the right no time at all!

You want the best protection for your family. Good for you. Life insurance is one of the smartest forms of protection you can find. It is also one of the most affordable...if you do a little shopping. You can find 20 year term life insurance and 30 year term insurance at surprisingly low rates.

You want the best protection for your family. You just might find that a 30 year term life insurance policy offers exactly the type of protection you need at a price you can afford. And to find the best coverage, more and more people now use a free online comparison-shopping service such as Try it for yourself...and your family.

Finding Ways to Lower Long Term Care Premiums   Which LTCI Policy Is Right For You?   Is Long Term Care Insurance Right For You?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Do Partnership Policies Cost More?   Valuable Long Term Care Planning Details   

Insurance Sales: Personal Stories and Examples

Personal Examples Help Your Prospects Understand the Need

I think most insurance agents and financial advisors spend too much time and effort illustrating projections, and explaining policy features.

Because that's not what really "sells".

The most compelling reason for "buying" insurance coverage is neither the features nor the provisions of the coverage. The reason most people buy insurance of any kind, is to prevent a "bad" event - like a traffic accident or a heart attack - from becoming a "worse" event - like losing their income or their assets.

People buy insurance to protect their financial security from the "cost" of bad events.

That's why it's so important (critically important) to "sell the need" or sell the potential "pain" of financial loss and the practical consequences of that loss.

And one of the best ways to do that is with "stories" that provide examples of such losses, and the consequences of those loses - with or without insurance coverage.

Every journalist knows that people are engaged and intrigued by "stories"- even short stories or anecdotes - especially what they call "human interest" stories. Because people relate to stories about other people - especially those in similar situations to themselves.

And it's been proven that people read or listen to a well told story much more carefully than they do to any other form of information. More importantly, people learn better when told a "story" in the form of an example.

That's why stories can be one of your most effective "selling" techniques...

And why sharing personal examples with your clients and prospects is one of the best ways to establish your sincerity and credibility - while influencing their decision to buy.

Here are a few of the "stories" I have personally used:

- My son in law (the eldest of four children) lost his father to ALS when he was 14, and helped his mother raise 3 younger siblings - without life insurance.

- One of my high school buddies died of cancer when we were only 31 - leaving a young widow and 2 very young children - but with enough life insurance to pay off their home and leave them without any debts.

- I once had a business partner who collapsed from a massive heart attack during his regular morning jog - before he had completed the medical exam for key man insurance. It cost our company over a million dollars - which ultimately resulted in bankruptcy and dissolution.

- Another high school friend was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in his early forties - but without disability insurance. He struggled for as long as he could, but ultimately he could no longer work - first as a restaurateur, then as a realtor, and finally as a mortgage broker. And because his illness got progressively worse, even when he was working, he couldn't earn enough to raise three children - even with his wife's income as the office manager for a law firm.

- One of my best childhood friends was a manic depressive (and off his medications) when he jumped to his death from the Golden Gate Bridge, when he was only 35. He left one child and a pregnant wife - again, without life insurance. Of course, these are only a few abbreviated examples of my own "stories" - but do you see how they were of interest to you, and got you thinking of your own experiences?

That's the power of examples in the form of "story telling".

Some of the most successful insurance sales professionals use this technique with every client or prospect - because it's honest, it's engaging, it's compelling, and it works.

How Are Loss Assessors More Beneficial Than Independent Agents?   3 Tips for Making the Most of an Insurance Telemarketing Campaign   Where Can I Get Direct Mail Final Expense Leads   How to Become an Insurance Adjuster   

Four Tips for Overcoming Your Cold Call Anxiety

If you have ever sat down and just started calling people out of the blue to try and make a sale, you know how nerve wracking it can be when the potential client picks up the phone on the other end. Some sales people get sweaty hands, cold chills and experience anxiety just at the thought of picking up the phone and calling strangers to make a sale. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here are some ways you can overcome the anxiety and nervousness you feel when making cold calls so you can be more successful in turning those calls into actual sales.

1. Get over the mental fear of making a cold call. What is the worst thing about making a cold call? The absolute worst case scenario is that you will get rejected and the person on the other end of the line will hang up on you. They might even be a little annoyed. But don't let that affect you. It's not like they can punch you in the nose over the phone or anything like that. So when you start feeling nervous about making those initial phone calls, ask yourself: "What's the worst thing that can happen?" Then get over your fear of rejection and start dialing those numbers.

2. Set a goal. One way to get over your fear of making those cold calls is to make it a game for yourself. By setting a goal, you are more focused on achieving that goal rather than thinking about the fear of rejection. For instance, make a goal to make 15 cold calls each hour or set a daily goal. Also, set a goal for the number of sales you want to make. Make these goals small and treat yourself with a coffee break or some other reward each time you reach a goal.

3. Rethink your purpose. If you are just making cold calls in hopes of making a sale at that time, you will probably be disappointed. Think of these calls as a way to introduce yourself to potential clients and to get your name in their minds. They may not want to purchase your insurance products today, but they will have your name in their head when they do decide to purchase your products.

4. Gradually make your pitch better. If you are new to cold calling, you aren't going to be perfect at it right away regardless of how much you practice beforehand. Being a successful cold caller takes experience that you can only get by making those calls. Once you are comfortable introducing yourself to the potential client, work on your sales pitch. Try to make it better with each call that you make. After a few days, making cold calls will just be like second nature to you and you will see your success rate increase.

These tips will help you decrease your fear of making those all-important cold calls while increasing your rate of success. Utilize them today and see how much easier this dreaded task can be.

How Are Loss Assessors More Beneficial Than Independent Agents?   3 Tips for Making the Most of an Insurance Telemarketing Campaign   Where Can I Get Direct Mail Final Expense Leads   How to Become an Insurance Adjuster   Five Insurance Discounts You Should Know About   What Is Agent of Record Status?   

46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair

Some of these signs of a cheating spouse are "tongue in cheek" while others are tell tale signs that commonly appear with a cheating husband or cheating wife. There is no copyright. Feel free to forward to those who might be interested. But please don't change anything.

Signs of a Cheating Spouse:

1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy.

2) Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you. (They either know about the cheating or have been told stories about what a horrible wife or girlfriend you are.)

3) Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.

4) Sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it.

5) He leaves the house in the morning smelling like Irish Spring and returns in the evening smelling like Safeguard.

6) She joins the gym and begins a rigorous workout program.

7) She buys a cell phone and doesn't let you know.

8) He sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to his office.

9) The cheating husband carries condoms, and you are on the pill.

10) Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID.

11) Deletes all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate.

12) He becomes "accusatory," asking if you are being true to him, usually out of guilt.

13) Raises hypothetical questions such as, "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person at a time?"

14) He buys himself new underwear.

15) He insists the child seat, toys, etc., are kept out of his car.

16) The cheating wife stops wearing her wedding ring.

17) Has a sudden desire to be helpful with the laundry.

18) Has unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back.

19) Suddenly wants to try new love techniques.

20) He/she fairly suddenly stops having sex with you.

21) He/she suddenly wants more sex, more often.

22) Supposedly works a lot of overtime, but it never shows up on the pay stub.

23) Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house.

24) You find out by accident he or she took vacation day or personal time off from work - but supposedly worked on those days.

25) Shows a sudden interest in a different type of music.

26) Spouse's co-workers are uncomfortable in your presence.

27) Has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance.

28) Spends an excessive amount of time on the computer, especially after you have gone to bed.

29) He throws up a lot because he just ate at his mistress's house and had to eat the dinner you prepared when he got home.

30) Your spouse is away from home, either nights or on trips, more than previously.

31) His/her clothes smell of an unfamiliar perfume or after-shave. You see lipstick on your husband's shirt.

32) The amount of money being deposited into your checking account drops off.

33) You find items of intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that you did not give your spouse.

34) Your spouse seems less comfortable around you and is "touchy" and easily moved to anger.

35) You get calls where the caller hangs up when he or she hears your voice.

36) He/she loses attention in the activities in the home.

37) Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right.

38) He/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home.

39) She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly.

40) She has a "glow" about her.

41) Atypical erratic behavior.

42) He sneaks out of the house.

43) She sleeps with her purse by the bed.

44) She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later.

45) He tells you that you can get hold of him at a different telephone number.

46) The telltale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place.

46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   

Cheating Spouse: 7 Legitimate Motives for Spying

Should you spy on your cheating husband or wife? You believe you see signs of a cheating spouse. The need to know whether your spouse is cheating and EXACTLY what kind of cheating is taking place is often strong. There are a number of reasons why the drive to spy is powerful. Here are seven:

1. Trust is a big reason, not of your partner, but yourself. Probably for some time you have sensed something is different or questioned the change of behavior in your partner. Perhaps you confronted your cheating husband or cheating wife and it was met with denial. This created a huge dilemma for you because a part of you was screaming, Hey, this doesn't fit! I don't believe it! To deny this part of you, which KNOWS the truth, creates a tremendous internal turmoil. If the truth as you suspect it is confirmed, you can take a deep breath and at least know that you can trust yourself. You are NOT CRAZY! Spying is a way to confirm your suspicions and trust more fully your gut feelings.

2. Spying on cheating husbands or cheating wives often helps the person feel connected to the partner who seems to be steadily moving away. It is a way of maintaining contact and having some sort of connection to this stranger who once was well known. Isn't it like the game of hide-and-seek we used to play as children? Sometimes there, sometimes gone. At least it is a game, and a game is at least some contact, some involvement. You miss the connection and try to find someway to maintain the ties.

3. Spying on a cheating spouse may be an honest attempt to bring resolution to the relationship. You want to know the truth. You sense something does not fit. You suspect there is a breach of something. You want to know what you are up against. You are not willing to stand pat and wait. You are a person of action. You want some sort of movement. You want to get on with the relationship. You want to get on with your life. You know that it is difficult maintaining your sanity when there might be this huge elephant that no one is talking about. You want to know the truth, face the truth, deal with the truth and be free.

4. Cheating husbands or cheating wives often, unfortunately, lead to the demise of marital relationships. If you strongly suspect this to be true for your situation you will want to protect yourself legally. If there is betrayal, lying and deception regarding a third party, other forms of deception may exist financially or in other areas of the relationship. Having "evidence" does have some impact in some court systems. Whether you need to protect yourself legally depends on the kind of affair facing you and the character of your spouse. Please read through my "7 Reasons For an Affair" to determine the situation that faces you. If your spouse is someone who can't say no, doesn't want to say no or is acting out rage, please make sure to take protective steps.

5. You may want to protect yourself medically if you suspect you have a cheating husband or wife. You might be concerned about sexually transmitted diseases. Your health may be at stake. And, of course, you need to know. Shame, guilt or self-absorption may be so powerful in your partner that it gets in the way of responsibly informing you of the medical dangers when another partner is sexually brought into your relationship.

6. Seeing signs of a cheating spouse often mean secrets. Secrets are work! There is not much written about the impact of a secret in a relationship, but believe me, in over two decades of working with strained relationships day in and day out, keeping a secret has a powerful impact. It is the proverbial elephant sitting in the room that no one dare talk about. People take extraordinary measures to tip toe around it, but it IS there. Emotionally, you can't miss it. Secrets are a drain. If the secret persists, its impact is felt in subtle but insidious ways. People become physically ill, sometimes seriously so. People become depressed. People start doing crazy things. Children start acting out, stop achieving, become listless or exhibit a host of other symptoms. Children, or the next generation, often carry the emotional load. You want to spy because you don't want to live with a secret. You want to discover the truth. You want to feel the freeing power of the exposed secret and the opportunity it offers for healing, resolution, a rich relationship and a productive life.

7. Some of us like drama. Soap opera scenarios and adrenaline based lives are a hallmark of our society. We get juiced or pumped up entering into emotional relational triangles that offer intrigue. Without adrenaline, life seems boring or mundane. Perhaps an unspoken reason for an affair may be to fan the fire? Or, you may spy on your cheating spouse to keep the sense of being alive a part of your life.

46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair   

Garage Door Sensors Towards Safety, Convenience and Perfection

The roller doors for garages are operated with the help of a remote control. An electric motor is provided either inside the roll barrel or outside. When the electric motor is kept outside, it gives a simple and compact appearance. Security is ensured by a pair of radio transmitters without which the doors cannot be opened. The most advanced rolling code technology is used for calibration of these transmitters. Clicker is the alternate device for opening the garage in case the remote control is out of order or lost. This device can be programmed easily and is compatible with all brands of garage doors. It is the best alternative when the door opener is misplaced or irreparably damaged. Clicker is very convenient to use and it can be used to open two doors of different manufacturers at a time.

Garage door sensors are used to indicate whether the door of a garage is opened or closed. This can prevent thefts and also unnecessary visit to garage can be avoided. These devices can be installed easily and no special equipments are required for their installation. The monitor can be plugged at an appropriate place in the house or office so that the flashing light can be easily noticed. When the garage door is open, the device will send a signal to the monitor which in turn will produce a flash of red light. The garage door sensors are usually kept at the bottom of the garage door track. The garage door openers without this device are to be immediately replaced since it is a legal obligation to have them installed. Door parts and devices of the best quality are essential for the smooth and safe functioning the door of garage. The door opener, alternate opener, computer chip and computer and the door monitor are some of the most important parts of a door of a garage. Since the door openers are simple devices that are remote controlled, the user can quickly and easily close and open the doors.

All these electronic devices and other parts of the doors are products of reputed manufacturers who are quality conscious and use state-of-the-art technology for production of these devices. Prior to the introduction of electronic devices, doors were operated either manually or by using hydraulic pulleys. Later, the doors were operated with the help of electric motors. The rapid advancement of information technology led to the introduction of remote controlled electronic devices for operation as well as monitoring of garage doors.

Getting the Right Self Storage Option   A Guide to Garage Organization Systems   Sliding Garaged Door Versus Side Hinged Garage Door   Choosing the Right Storage Shed for You and Your Family   Why All Homeowners Need A Steel Carport   

Summer Time Made Easy With Self Storage

The sun is shining, the weather is gorgeous, which means one thing... summer is here! Summer is the time to de-clutter and organize your home for the great weather and preparation of next winter. As you open your windows to let in the fresh summer breeze, tackle home improvement projects, and clean away winter's dust, you may find that now is a great time to reorganize the contents of your home.

While there are many ways to control clutter, self-storage is a smart option because it allows you to get items out of your way and maintain them in a secure, climate-controlled space that you can access whenever you need to. If you have never used Self Storage before, then please read further. If you are just trying to clean out a closet then you probably will want to rent a smaller space such as a 5' x 5' (25 sq ft), which is the size of a small closet. If you know that you are going to be storing furniture, then you will be looking to rent a larger space, most likely a 5' x 10' (50 sq ft) which can accommodate roughly one room of furniture.

In addition, cleaning and organizing easily can turn into redecorating. Self-storage facilities are great places to store items for the long-term that do not fit into your updated home design scheme but that you are not ready to toss, sell or donate.

Spring cleaning may be a lot of work, but the payoff is a brighter, safer home. That can give you a new perspective and prepare you to meet life's other challenges. Find a self-storage facility near you for your bulky out-of-season gear, tools, and other odds and ends or to protect your goods for a few days while the house is in upheaval.

Another great use for self-storage this summer is to store your extra pool accessories and then use it to put your pool away during the winter. You won't need to worry about using up your garage space or selling the pool when summer is over.

Remember there things you cannot keep in a storage unit, including many household and garage items such as: gasoline, paint, certain chemicals, fireworks and other potential hazardous items. If you have any concerns, you should always check with your self storage facility manager who will help you decide what is best to store in your unit.

Getting the Right Self Storage Option   A Guide to Garage Organization Systems   Sliding Garaged Door Versus Side Hinged Garage Door   Choosing the Right Storage Shed for You and Your Family   

How to Register For a Web Address

You're ready to make your debut online - congratulations! Your first step is to register a web address. It's quite simple once you understand how to do it but can be complicating if you have never done it before. No need to worry though, you can follow these step-by-step instructions to register your web address today.

Step #1: Choose a Domain Name Registration Website

The first thing you need to do is choose one of the many domain name registration sites. Don't choose the first one you find because each site has its own pricing. Shop around to find the site that has the lowest annual fee for domain registration.

Step #2: Check for Domain Name Availability

Once you find the domain name registration website you want to use, you will need to check to make sure the web address you want is available. You may have to try several variations of the address you want, since there are so many domain names already taken.

Step #3: Add It to Your Shopping Cart

Once you find an available domain name you would like to claim your name to, you are ready to start the check out process. Simply click on the 'add to cart' symbol and it will be waiting for you to purchase.

Step #4: Pay for Your Web Address

Proceed to the checkout area of the domain name registration website. Once you are there, review your domain name to make sure it is the one you want. Also, check for other services or products thrown in you do not want. If there is, simply delete them from your cart.

Step #5: Check for Promotional Codes

Before you type in your credit card number or PayPal information, try to find a promotional code for a discount on your annual fee. Search for the website you are using with the phrase 'online coupons' after it. You should then be able to browse some websites with online coupons available. If you find one, copy the code and paste it in the promotional code section of the checkout area of the site you are registering your domain name on.

Step #6: Confirm Total

After placing your promotional code in its section and click on 'apply' you should see the discount appear in your total amount due. Confirm that all is correct and then proceed to payment.

Step #7: Pay for the Web Address

Enter in your payment information as instructed on the website. Once you have entered it in, you should see a confirmation page.

Your New Web Home

Once you see the confirmation page, you are a proud owner of a web address. You are free to go on to securing a host for your web address and then build your website.

How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   Domain Name Availability Search   

How to Pick the Best Domain Name for Your Site

When attempting to decide upon a good domain (.com,.net., etc.) name, there are a number of considerations you'll want to make. The 1st thing you will need to do is think of the purpose of your website. For instance, if you're creating a family blog, the amount of traffic that Google searches provide to your website (if you make it easy for Google to crawl it in any way) matters hardly any. But if you're producing a website intended to offer a good or advertising directed toward a particular market, your domain name could make a substantial difference in your success.

If search traffic is very important to you, then you'll wish to think of a domain name that contains the types of keywords folks search for when looking for solutions and ideas related to your market. For instance, if you desire to develop a website in which you review all the newest best-selling thriller novels, you'll need to choose a domain name that reflects typical search words utilised by the readers of such novels.

A tool to support you in the process of obtaining the kinds of search terms you'll wish to take into account is Google's keyword tool. You can key in a keyword phrase such as "thriller novel review" and it will yield a number of several other keywords connected to this phrase. The keyword tool furthermore generates details about the traffic size specific keyword phrases give, and the amount of competition there is from various websites for that search term.

If this type of search traffic is less critical to you, you may opt for a domain name that is clever or funny, possibly a name which reflects your individuality or your site's objective in some way. For instance, you could select some nickname you've been called to function as your site name. Think about a number of choices, because most likely you will have to come up with some variants of your ideas given that several domains are already taken.

Once you have some ideas nailed down, you should visit a domain registrar online and see if your name is available. It's possible that your preferred domain won't be available as domain but it will be as domain. This part of the process is trial and error, so just spend a bit of time narrowing down your top choices and then decide.

How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   

A Good Domain Name Is Prime Real Estate

This is the first in a series of articles that will attempt to demystify important seo factors by drawing direct correlations between the steps you'd take to open a store on main street and the steps you'd take to launch a website to do business online.

In this installment, we'll be discussing why choosing a good domain name is the same as picking out the perfect address for your new retail store, office building, or manufacturing facility.

Location, Location, Location

You want a prime location for your new business. Some place that's easy to find and easy to give directions to. Your clients should have no trouble locating you in the busy retail/office/industrial space where you're setting up shop and they should be able to easily guide their friends and family there when they tell them what a great experience they had doing business with you.

In online terms, this is your domain name. In other words, this is what people type into the address bar to get to your website.

The trick here is deciding whether you want your domain name to reflect your brand or your business. In almost every case, I recommend you choose a domain name based on your industry rather than your name.

For example, "Grass Masters" might be an appropriate and catchy name for a lawn care company, but GrassMasters-dot-com tells the search engines absolutely nothing about what you actually offer. A better choice would be LawnCare-dot-com. But, of course, that address is already taken, as is just about every imaginable iteration of that name.

So you'll have to find a compromise. One good way to do that is to include the name of your city or state in your domain name. After all, when people are looking for someone to mow their yard and trim their hedges, they are most likely to search for something like "lawn care company in... " So why not make that your domain name?

Of course, even then you may find that many good domain names with your city or state and your business already belong to someone else. Don't let that discourage you. With a bit of thought, you will be able to register a domain name that reflects who you are, where you're at, and what you do.

In some cases, you may find that it makes sense to secure a good domain name first and then let that dictate your business name. That's precisely how I approached it when naming my internet marketing firm. Just be sure to choose a name that is easy to remember while making it pretty clear (to both people and search engines) what service you offer and where you do business, if that's applicable. In other words, find a name that feels like a good location to set up shop.

Brand Over Business

There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. And I'm certainly not going to be the guy tell Jeff Bezos that naming his online bookstore after the Amazon river is a bad idea domain name because a river in Central America has nothing to do with selling books and CDs.

Thus, I offer you "The Amazon Exception," which states quite simply: If you have Jeff Bezos' budget and marketing savvy, you can name your company and your website anything you want.

For the rest of us, the simple recipe of where we are and what we do tends to offer the best search engine rankings and the corresponding website traffic.

Ask An Expert

If you're at all anxious or stressed out over selecting a domain name, good. It's no small decision and it can be costly and difficult to undo once it's done. For that reason, you should seriously consider consulting an internet marketing expert to help you make this decision and to lay out your online marketing strategy.

How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   

Is Your Domain Name and Brand Protected?

Securing your brand identity is one of the most important things you must do as a business owner. In order to effectively manage your brand name and prevent misuse, slander or discredit of your reputation; you must not only conduct good business practices and maintain high ethical standards, but also ensure that your identity as a business is well managed.

Social media identity protection is the solution!

In today's high tech digital universe, the internet and specifically social media networks have made private information much more readily available on the web; which as a result presents a security risk for both personnel and organizations alike. This is why we all need some sort of social media identity protection.

More and more we are seeing not only personal identity theft cases on the internet, but also those of businesses; as criminals attempt to profit from the misfortune of others online

With an evolution in search engines comes an evolution in optimization. Branding and social media have become a major influence in the ranking system of every major search engine on the internet. Whether you're seeking online reputation management, brand awareness, or search engine optimization, a strong Social Presence is essential for any business that is communicating through the internet.

The industry has multiplied over the past decade. An inux of interest, funding and support have helped Social Media communities grow and prosper in the 21st century.

Thinks of the following possibilities.

Imagine your business name being registered as a profile or fan page on a major social network by someone other than yourself. This would eliminate you getting that user-name for yourself and increases the risk for misuse, as well as misrepresentation of your brand by others.

One of your competitors could register your brand name as a profile or fan page on a major social network and use it to discredit your business.

Your business name could be registered as a profile or fan page on a major social network and use it to attract customers under false pretenses, bringing discredit to your brand name.

Social media has become the Wild West for cybersquatting, with no regulations or a central control system for taking down names. We usually advise our clients that the best offense is a good defense.

This kind of service is also good for companies that want to control the trademarks or brand names but do not necessarily want to have a presence on the various social media sites.

As such, it is a good idea to look for a Social Media Identity Protection company that can help reserve your company name or brand on over 300 websites.

How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   Domain Name Availability Search   Soviet Union Kept Alive Through The Internet   

Cool And Tricky Domain Names - Not As Valuable Internet Real Estate These Days

Five or ten years ago there was a domain name that I really wanted, I probably would've paid in excess of 10 to $20,000 for it, today I was e-mailed about that domain, it was for sale for the low price of $299. I had noticed that it had come due previously, but chose not to buy it because I didn't need it, it wasn't getting any traffic before, and I already had a similar name which was generating more than enough traffic, ranks well the search engines, and therefore I simply didn't need it anymore. Indeed, more and more people are discovering this. Let's go ahead and talk about it.

It used to be that people would register cool and tricky domain, realizing they were valuable Internet real estate, and knowing that they could sell them at a later date and make a huge profit. Although I had never bought domain names for that purpose, I had secured several great names back in 1995, and I had used them for various purposes. Eventually as my business endeavors changed, there were some which I no longer needed. I can remember selling one for a huge amount of money, and I thought about it later, and it almost seemed like a gift out of the blue, when someone offered to buy it.

They wanted it more than I did, and they had the money, and therefore I sold it. Indeed, I still have some very good URLs that are getting a tremendous amount of traffic, names which would be considered incredible Internet real estate. I haven't bothered to offer them for sale because the market does not seem to be interested in paying a lot of money for such things. There also seems to be an economic cycle that goes along with this.

After the dotcom crash of 2000, many of these domain names became next to worthless, and folks were not even paying to renew them because they knew there was little if any chance they could sell them. I can remember people offering me domain names for only $100, quite decent names. Long about 2004, the prices started to rebound slightly, and by 2006 and 2007 names were actually worth something again. Then the financial crash of 2008 came, and these domain names have been reduced in value ever sense.

Further, many new startup companies are picking obscure names or nonexistent names when it comes time to pick a brand and a name for their new company. Cyber squatters for domain names can't possibly come up with endless "created words" to register and hope someone will buy them. And all the cool, tricky, and common names don't seem to be worth much anymore. Please consider all this and think on it.

How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   Domain Name Availability Search   

What Is the Structure of a Domain Name?

In easy English, a domain name is an address to a website. As in real life every address has to be unique. Originally domain names did not exist, instead one had to type in a long string of numbers which is known as an IP Address. Domain names are a more user friendly way of accessing a website as humans read words rather than long strings of numbers.

As you already know, your house address is made up of various components such as house name, street address and the name of the city you're living in. Similar to your home address even domain names are made up of various components. I'm going to take as an example a domain name that I'm sure you've heard about before which is "" The domain name I'm using in this example is made up of three components which are .com, Google and www. The last part of the domain name which is .com is known as the top-level domain.

Every domain must end with a top-level domain (TLDs). In the early days there were only a handful of TLDs such as .com, .net and .org. Nowadays there is a wide range of TLDs as every country has his own TLD. In addition to that it will soon be possible for anyone to purchase his own TLD although it will be very expensive.

The second component of the domain is Google which is the second-level domain. As with the top-level domain, the second-level domain is also chosen by the buyer. Any combination of strings may be chosen as long as it's made up of characters, numbers and dashes. Another requirement is that the combination of the top-level domain and second-level domain is unique. For example, in this case no one can purchase "" as it has already been registered by Google.

The last component of the domain is www which is the third-level domain, more commonly known as subdomain. Subdomains are domains that form part of larger domains. The owner of a domain can create any subdomain he wishes as long as it's made up of characters and numbers.

That's all about the various components of a domain. To purchase a domain one may visit one of the many registrars that are available. Nowadays prices for domains are very low with a 1yr registration for being $10 to $15.

How To Get a Domain Name and Hosting For Free For 1 Year   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Secrets To Having A Successful Online Domain   Need a Great Domain Name - Ask a Domain Name Generator   Domain Name Availability Search   Soviet Union Kept Alive Through The Internet   

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